Values & Governance

Values & Governance

- United Oil & Gas plc
- Responsibility
- Values & Governance
We are and oil and gas company. United’s business model is to hold assets within the oil and gas life cycle to deliver value for the shareholders.
Business partners and influence
Relationships with business partners, host governments and regulatory authorities where we have assets are critical for our business.
Where we are the designated operator we fully apply the United HSES MS. Where we a non-operating partner, we seek to influence, make our views heard and ensure that minimum standards are met in accordance with our policies, statements and codes.
Preventing corruption
United maintains internal control systems to ensure that our ethical business standards for relationships with others are achieved. Antibribery and corruption policy is designed to ensure systems are in place to detect, remediate and learn from any potential violations. ‘whistleblowing’ arrangements.
Payments to host governments
Revenues generated by a country’s natural resources plays an important part in the growth and development of countries in which we have business. Revenues to governments become payable by United due to oil production entitlements, taxes, royalties, licence fees and infrastructure improvements.
Human Rights
United subscribes to Principle One of the United Nations Global Compact: Human Rights. This Principle sets out the UN Global Compact’s overarching expectation of business on human rights, namely, to respect and support human rights.
United’s Human Rights guidelines provides information and ensures respect of Human Rights and we will follow any relevant industry guides and international standards on Human Rights. The appraisal of any potential human rights issues will be included in the scope of work of all Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA’s) commissioned by United for any exploration or production project. We take steps to ensure our agents, contractors and suppliers are aware of and comply with our policies and seek to use our influence with our Joint Venture partners to ensure the same.