

We are and oil and gas company. United’s business model is to hold assets within the oil and gas life cycle to deliver value for the shareholders.
In Egypt, the Abu Sennan concession is located in the prolific onshore hydrocarbon-producing Western Desert region. It offers oil production operations and development assets and exploration. It comprises of eight Development Concessions, each containing a producing field, as well as a 644km2 exploration licence.
(22% non-operated working interest, operated by Kuwait Energy Egypt)
The Abu Sennan licence is located in the Western Desert, onshore Egypt, c.200km west of Cairo. United acquired its 22% working interest in the licence in April 2020.
During January 2024 the Company received a Default Notice from the concession Operator. United has not remedied the Default and, subject to legal advice, intends to withdraw from the Abu Sennan Concession pursuant to the terms of the JOA.
3.0 mmboe
2P net reserves